In Episode 10, the WAGNN ladies discuss COVID-19 but with a little twist. As a people, we have heard an inundated amount of information about the pandemic that has led us to experience many emotions.
Practicing social distance (1 in the studio and 2 via phone), WAGNN talks about ways of “Keeping Busy,” also known as “Self-Care.” Self-Care is a term used as a proactive tool to strengthen self-awareness, centering of self, and self-esteem. Self-Care includes activities that will stimulate your mind and your ability to de-escalate your emotions positively. Overall, it’s just a healthy thing to do!
Without forgetting the tragedies experienced by many of our loved ones and friends, WAGNN gives there condolences to those families worldwide. In saying that, WAGNN explores holistic remedies that were most popular on social media and provide experiences of the pandemic with the undertone of community support. Safety precautions and personal care also ties into “Keeping Busy” while being prepared. Engaging in art, music, crafts, or creating a new hobby is an intricate factor in staying healthy such as learning “how to make ice-cream.” Revisiting an old hobby that you previously started also counts. Self-care provides a safe place for you to catch a breather from the stressors of life. Utilizing your skills and talents are avenues to self-care.
The WAGNN cast shares their accounts of the “Keeping Busy.” Ideas of exploration of hobbies, overflow of ideas, as well as maintenance of spirituality. With planting new ideas, WAGNN continues the discussion about physical health and healthcare. The vantage point of this conversation is to engage people to become more knowledgeable about their health. In 2020, we should look forward to understanding our physical health and family health history because it can save our lives.
We challenge you to open your ears and thoughts while expanding your knowledge and understanding of people, situations, and cultures. Please leave your comments below; good, bad, or indifferent, we welcome all opinions and feedback.
We hope you enjoy listening!